Hello! a few quick housekeeping items before we dive in to my book review policy:
- I am based in the USA
- I prefer e-books but love receiving physical books and PR packages as well. e-book via kindle paper white is my main reading method.
Book reviewing guidelines
I love it when I’m contacted to review a book, reading is my passion and I am excited you want me to read and review. While I try to read as many books possible through the year, I stick to genres and things I will enjoy. Therefore, it is up to my discretion on whether or not I will accept all review requests.While I will look into any book offered, I will not accept the book if:
- The book doesn’t seem like something I am interested in.
- I don’t have the time to read and review the book in the near future. If so, I might deny the request even if I think I might enjoy the book.
- You have a short deadline you would like a review by (short is relative and depends on my current schedule. Email me to see what my availability currently is).
What do I read?
I read a range of genres (fiction) including but not limited to:
- Fantasy Romance
- Fantasy (High, Low, All!)
- Mythology
- Retellings
- Dark Fiction
- Dystopia
- Romance
- Dark Romance
- Erotica/Erotic Romance
- LGBTQ+ Romance
- Mystery Romance
- Why Choose Romance
- Romantic Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Mystery
- YA
- NA
- Adult
*If your genre isn’t mentioned here, feel free to contact me anyway. I love a good surprise. If the story sounds interesting, I may give it a chance! It may also be a genre I enjoy but forgot in my list.
I tend to favor anything fantasy romance, high fantasy, mythology, retelling, etc, and set in a fantastical or dystopian world, although I do enjoy a good urban setting. I love books that are long and filled with world building and character development, I love a good sexual tension, enemies to lovers vibe. I like wars and unhappy endings, twists and turns, and darkness.
My favorites have MC’s who struggle with mental illness/mental health, because they are extremely relatable. I also love a good mate bond or an LGBTQ+ romance + spice. I am not afraid of spice, dark spice, erotic spice – bring it on.
I do not accept memoirs, non-fiction, anything religious, poetry, highly political themes, educational, autobiography, or self help books.
I do not prefer unsolicited review copies, and should I receive them there is no guarantee I will review.
My process for book reviews
I only accept a book if I feel I will enjoy the read. I will read the preview and see what else the author has written and decide if it is something I am interested in. From there, I will check my tbr and schedule to get a realistic idea on when I can complete the book and review. I will read the book and then review, and share the links with you along with a copy of my review.
Where do I review/talk about books
- Here on this blog! I publish a new post for every book I review.
- Instagram @worthyofareread
- Hardcover @kqtherine
- Goodreads @kqtherine
- Mastodon @worthyofareread
- Amazon**
If you have sent me a book and I have not posted about it, it is probably because I have not finished it yet or written the review. If I accepted your book I will read it and review, or let you know if (and why) I had to dnf.
**If you request an Amazon review, I can review there as well. I do not post all book reviews I write on amazon, only ARC books if requested.
Rating system
My reviews are my own personal opinion, so it may not always be a positive review. I will never criticize the author or publisher, my opinions are on the book itself. I may write suggestions or things I would like to see from the author in the future, but never any open criticism of them as a person or company. I will also mention the reasons I did not enjoy it so that others who may not agree with me can give it a chance. Like all people, I have my own preferences and opinions.
I rate books out of 5 stars.
- 1 star: Book was bad/terrible. Not enjoyable at all, may have dnf’d. Major things were missing or not done well.
- 2 stars: Book was not very good. I finished it but would not recommend or read again. Felt like key things were missing or not done well.
- 3 stars: Book was alright and not bad. I liked it, but it wasn’t anything special for me.
- 4 stars: Book was good! I enjoyed it a lot and would probably recommend it to someone else. Odds of being deemed worthy of a re-read are about 50%.
- 5 stars: The best thing since sliced bread. Amazing and will probably make an appearance on my worthy of a re-read list and potentially also my favorites list.
- NOTE: I will do a half star if I am between 2 ratings, and explain my reasons for choosing.
Click here to see the books I’ve deemed worthy of a re-read.
What to mention in a book review request?
Please keep your review request short and informative. Mention the title, genre, a blurb, the name of publisher + author, and anything else you deem relevant.
A Note
By sending a book, you automatically agree to the book being read impartially and given an unbiased review.
A negative or average sounding verdict is no doubt upsetting but remember this is only the personal reading opinion of one person. Focus on those who’ve loved your book rather than those who didn’t. Please do not follow up with emails or social media DMs if you received a low rating. My reviews are for readers not writers.
How to contact me
If you are interested in sending a review copy or need further information, please email me: worthyofareread@gmail.com
I will always send a response regardless of my answer… nobody likes being ghosted.
Thank you! I hope to work with you in the future.